Leila Florentino’s vocal magic is unmistakable and her songwriting reveals a mind as beguiling as the voice, reflecting the realms of love and life with the jagged brilliance of a wine glass on the verge of breaking.
In the lead role of ‘Kim’ in ‘Miss Saigon,’ Leila starred on Broadway, performing in front of packed theaters and admiring fans. She received rave reviews (“Florentino sings compellingly.” – John Simon, New York
Magazine). Now she’s pursuing a solo career as a singer-songwriter – trading the glitz for a more personal music vision.
Fans are spreading the word about ‘Sail.’
“This is cool angst from a superb artist! Spare and evocative… Everything works well: the off-beat and catchy arrangements; the spare unpretentious vocals; the lyrics straight-forward and evocative. It’s atmospheric cool though there’s heartbreak in the songs’ words. I have this CD on repeat in my player. I just love listening to it!”
- V. Sales, SF
“Just finished listening to the CD, on headphones, for the third time through. Gorgeous, gorgeous, Gorgeous. The voice, of course, is perfect as always! My faves are: Freedom, Cold Cold Heart and
Happiness is Real (this one can heal the broken heart). ‘Sail’ is truly something special.”
- C. Powell, Los Angeles
“… a deeply personal album, enigmatic, a courageous debut. My personal favorites are
1) FREEDOM and
2) BACK (for their beautiful lyrics and
3) SIT BY ME for its lilting melody.”
- S. Marietta, NYC
On April 12, 2006 , Tuniningin.com will present Lelia @ Tangier Restaurant & Lounge located at 2138
Hillhurst Ave.
Los Angeles,
CA 90027.
Be there at 10:15 PM,