David Litvinsky, 27, has been playing music for 15 years. David’s influences range from The Beatles to The Cure To Neil Young. But is was John Lennon who holds the most influence on Dave. “John had a certain grace about him, even when he moved or spoke it was musical.”
David began writing his debut album “Shadows On The Wall” in September 05 and was finished just 3 months later. “It all went by so fast, the songs just started flowing out. I would wake up early in the morning and run over to the tape deck and hum or sing a melody, it just grew from there.”
The album was recorded at Yellopop Studios in Brooklyn NY with Assaf Spector and Eitan Graff. “They are two of the most talented people I have ever worked with, they inspired me to write more and gave me the positive energy needed to complete record.”
Blindswitch started to take shape in early 06. With the record complete, David now needed to find players that would help him bring the music to life. “I knew I needed players that not only knew how to play, but played with soul. Erwin Brea, who I have known forever was a perfect place to start. Erwin had the same tastes as I did and played from the heart. Charlie Merritt, who I met at The Guitar Center was a perfect fit behind the drums. The next two players I saw play live with a band called Granian and I knew that if I could get them to play with Blindswitch, then we would have something special.” 2 weeks later, Blindswitch was formed.
Erwin Brea (Rhythm Guitar)
Charlie Merrit (Drums)
Kyle Paas (Lead Guitar)
Pemberton Roach (Bass)
David Litvinsky (Lead Vocals)