HomeBlogArtist LifestyleMorgan Wade shares a close bond with her parents, Robin Moran Fonville...

Morgan Wade shares a close bond with her parents, Robin Moran Fonville and Jason Wade, despite their split!

Although Morgan Wade parents, Robin Moran Fonville and Jason Wade, parted ways when the singer was just five years old, Morgan has managed to maintain a sound relationship with both of them.

The sensational country singer Morgan Wade also takes it to her socials every year to celebrate Father’s and Mother’s Day.

Morgan once credited her father for the beautiful southern accent fans love the most about her voice. Her exact words were, “Every year Dad and I go eat Mexican food for our birthdays. Thanks to this man, I have a southern accent and very ugly feet. Love you, Dad.”

Recently, Morgan took to Instagram to open up about her double mastectomy surgery. Her mother, Robin, who had also undergone the same surgery in 2022, helped her during the entire procedure.

Moreover, the mother-daughter duo gave an interview with JScreen Genetic Testing about their story of genetic testing and breast cancer.

Key Takeaways

  • Morgan Wade is born to her parents Robin Moran Fonville and Jason Wade in Virginia.
  • But her parents divorced when Morgan was just five years old.
  • She shares a close bond with her parents and often uploads pictures with them in her socials.
  • Both of Morgan Wade’s parents have now remarried and have a happy life separately.

Morgan Wade parents, Robin Moran Fonville and Jason Wade, remarried and have separate families

The country singer Morgan Wade was born on December 10, 1994, to her parents, Robin Moran Fonvile and Jason Wade.

Morgan Wade is a native of Virginia who grew up in the sleepy Appalachian community of Floyd, Virginia.

In an interview with The Ties That Bind Us, Morgan Wade revealed that her parents married young, and her mother, Robin, was just 17 when she gave birth to Morgan.

She adds they divorced when she was just five years old, and she spent most of her childhood times at grandparents.

As per some online sources, her father, Jason Wade, is now married to Stacey Nagy Wade. He owns Wade Brothers Construction company in Floyd, Virginia.

Meanwhile, her mother, Robin, married Eric Fonville. According to her bio, Robin is a watercolorist in training and sells her work on her social media.

Robin Fonville says she is the rad51d genetic mutation carrier. So, Morgan Wade also inherited the same gene from her mother and underwent double mastectomy surgery like her mom.

Despite her parents’ divorce, Morgan has kept her father and mother close. Morgan Wade often shows gratefulness and love for her parents in her socials.

At one time, the soulful country singer, uploaded a screenshot of a conversation with her father. She wrote, “If this is all I read today, that’s fine with me. One thing about my Father is that no matter how long we talk on the phone or text, he always tells me he loves me. Hearing he’s proud of me, that just means a heck of a lot. I love you dad, even if you don’t have Facebook haha!”

Meanwhile, Morgan wished her mother Happy Birthday by writing, “HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY AMAZING MOTHER! The older we get, the closer we get. I hope one day I’ll be half of the woman you are. Thank you for supporting me, listening to me, and not judging me no matter what path I am on. Also thank you for having enough kids that I can finally form that family band I’ve always wanted!! 😂 I love you!”


Where did Morgan Wade go to college?

Morgan Wade went to Jefferson College of Health Sciences in Roanoke to build a career in cardiothoracic medicine.

Where does Morgan Wade come from?

Morgan Wade is a native of Virginia and comes from the Appalachian Town of Floyd.

Why did Morgan have a double mastectomy?

Morgan Wade had double mastectomy surgery after she discovered she was rad51d gene mutation positive, which makes her prone to getting breast cancer. So, as a proactive measure, she underwent a double mastectomy surgery.

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