The beginning of a dream: In 1996 in the city of Sapucaia do Sul, A Sorrowful Dream was founded, with the proposal of making a differentiated sound, inspired by the melancholy of doom metal. The band was formed initially with: Dirnei (bass), Éder (vocals), Jorge (drums), Lucas (guitars), Marja (vocals), Rafael (guitars) and Tiago (keyboards), which recorded the first demo in 1998, titled “The Echo of Your Cry”, which had 5 songs.
Two years later, now with a new female singer, Vary, and a new drummer, Rodrigo, it was recorded the second work, a promo with 3 songs, besides of a single titled “The Fall and the Paradise”. In 2001, the second single is recorded, with a new singer, Clark.
The New dreamers: In 2003, A Sorrowful Dream is still alive, even with constant changes in their line-up, now formed by: Clark (vocals), Jô (guitars), Márcio C. (drums), Márcio L. (bass), Mary (keyboards) and Lucas (guitars and violin), being the last one, the only former member. With the joining of Josie as the new female singer in January of 2004, the band releases the demo, “In Your Dry Lips”, with the same songs of the last one but now with the female vocals and some minor changings.
The present dream: In the year of 2005, the dream changes its face again, with a new line-up and the return of Éder (vocals) and joining of the new members Mano (drums) and Tuko (bass). During these years, A Sorrowful Dream was in constant evolution in their sound, adding more elements of other genres, from the extreme ones like death and black metal to some experimentations with classic music.