

Experimental / Pop



Born a leftie with a stringent ear to the pitches, tones, beat timings and other very succinct details of all kinds of music at a young age, Kidahl found himself demanding keyboards as gifts from his parents (rather than a new Bugle Boy® outfit or brand new bicycle) or saving up at every adolescent job for the next one that caught his eye. Remember those old Casio® Sampler keyboards? This fire-fingered youngster burned through four of ’em, influenced by pioneers of electronica like Kraftwerk, Gary Neuman, Thomas Dolby, ELO, etc.

His first real taste of music collaboration and actual production was at the age of 13, bicycle-pedaling his ambtions almost daily to his friend’s house who owned an Ensonique synthesizer with means to get all audio onto tape.

Not to be denied his musical passions even when the sun went down back then, Kidahl made a plan/request with his friend that he would sneak out and come back later after his parents were asleep to finish compositions. Comically, this led to Kidahl being held at double-barrel shotgun and blinding flashlight-point by his friend’s father in the backyard at 12:43am…having thrown tanbark at the wrong window while signaling his friend to let him in.

Currently, Kidahl works his days as a video/online game 25-to-Lifer, making sure all is right with the world for Electronic Arts’ world, with not much time to compose let alone breathe. But when he does, he devotes his composing skills to Fruity Loops…and still prefers an older version than any current, as he humorously believes the ‘old’ of the version masks his mundanity or lack of good sound.

He is his own worst critic, but humbly adored the acclaim his track ‘Desperation’ surfaced from his friends and close ones. He hopes to one day write songs, sing or collaborate with someone who would say they are going to…and actually follow through.

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Anuja Uprety
Anuja Uprety
Anuja Uprety is a content writer with almost two years of experience in the field. She is a passionate researcher and likes to use the skill to explore Hollywood trend.


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