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American Idol Kimi reveals his parents had a rough life and said, ‘We went through hell, especially my mom and dad’

American Idol contestant Kimi said that his mom foretell his future while he was still a child, saying he will be going to be an artist one day.

American Idol audition week 3 turned out to be emotional after Brooklynite Kimi, who is originally from Kosovo, broke down while narrating his back story, which included his parents.

Born during the 1998-1999 Kosovo war, Kimi revealed that he and his parents went through several difficult phases in their lives. He said, “When she [mother] got pregnant with me, Kosovo was going through a war. And it was a very, very tough time.”

As stated by the R&B genre singer Kimi, the difficulties that he and his parents went through became the factor that made Kimi follow his dream and achieve the place he has today, at least his statement says so.

“I’m very proud of where I come from because we went through hell, especially my mom and dad” 

Going through his Facebook, we discover that his father, Adem Sadik Rama, was a soldier. Further, as he stated, his mom, Leela, used to be a singer and was known around her neighborhood for her beautiful singing voice.

“My mom had a beautiful voice when she was young, and everyone tells me that I sing just like her.” Unfortunately, Kimi could not listen to his mom due to health issues.

Key Takeaways

  • American Idol contestant Kimi said his parents who are back in his home country Kosovo went through hell, especially his mom.
  • His mother, who used to sing beautifully, later stopped singing after getting diagnosed with PTSD and multiple sclerosis.
  • Kimi said his mother was in a dark place and his participation in the American Idol is his attempt to make her happy.

Listen to American Idol contestant Kimi’s song here:

Kimi’s mother stop singing due to her diagnosis of PTSD and multiple sclerosis

Some two years after Kimi’s birth, his mother, Leela, was diagnosed with PTSD and multiple sclerosis, which made her give up on singing. In this regard, the emotional AI contestant said, “Growing up, she needed a lot of care”

“I would feed her every morning. I would help her get up and put up clothes on her, and it was really hard. The most hard part was I would see her crying as she cry on my shoulder. It really broke my heart”

He added, “My mom gets in a very dark place where sometimes she doesn’t want to talk to nobody. I was just a kid, I needed my mom no matter what.”

Now, participating in the American Idol, he wants to bring back his mom’s happiness.

“When I would sing to her, she would be so happy that she would see herself in me, and that’s why I do all this. I want to do it for my mom because she was unable to do it, so I want to do it for both of us.”

So, the song he sang in the audition was a dedication to his mother, who resides in his home country, Kosovo. He even Facetimed his ill matriarch after his audition at the request of judge Katy Perry, and she sounded delighted to see her son on the American Idol stage.


Where is Kimi from American Idol from?

American Idol contestant Kimi is originally from Kosovo.

How old is Kimi from American Idol?

Kimi is currently 25 years old.

Who is Kimi from American Idol?

American Idol contestant Kimi is a Brooklyn resident who flew from his home country to the United States to pursue his musical dreams.

Anuja Uprety
Anuja Uprety
Anuja Uprety is a content writer with almost two years of experience in the field. She is a passionate researcher and likes to use the skill to explore Hollywood trend.


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