

Acoustic / Folk / Pop


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BLUEBURYme – The (short but joyful) Story! sometimes in life you happen to be at the right place at the right time. springtime 2004: vrony and LAUTh meet at the buffet of the austrian music awards. nice buffet indeed! they know each other for quite a while – surprise – they’re on tour with different bands and they’re working musicians in austrias musicscene. (yes – its small but great – check it out!) so what – vrony’s got a few songs and needs more – LAUTh has them. after a trial rehearsal BLUEBURYme is born! inspired by great rehearsal sessions new songs grow and half a year later BBme is ready for a studio session – 4 days of recording – ‘songs for a sunday afternoon’ – it was great fun – and you can hear that! august 2004: clint farmer’s joining. he likes the music – and has ideas for visual delights! enjoy the BBme-artwork by clint farmer – the man with the eye ( check out our great website with a good look, nice pics, a game……. and of course new songs!

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Reesav Niraula
Reesav Niraula
Reesav is a entertainment freak who enjoys spending his time immersed in the arts and entertainment world. In his free time, he is delved into entertainment as well, i.e. playing his guitar and singing songs.


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